Thursday, December 6, 2012

Video: Caroll Spinney & Oscar the Grouch @ University of Illinois

Check out this video, filmed and posted with the kind permission and blessing of Caroll and Debi Spinney.

The event took place on 28 Nov 2012 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Friday, November 30, 2012

What a lovely talk! (Don't let Oscar hear that)

Wednesday night was one of the best nights ever. I mean it. Caroll Spinney and Oscar the Grouch spoke at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and I got to hang out with them! We got to hang out with his lovely wife Debi, too. They are such nice people. Caroll reminds me a lot of Jim Henson; I've said it for years. Caroll has been a huge inspiration to me for years and I am glad I got to reinforce it to him in person. I don't think he truly understands the impact he has had, and still has, on kids big and small all over the world. My gem of a husband, Josh, taped the event and I will be posting it once it's converted to digital format and ready for the Web.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Big Bird on SNL

Check out this Big Bird clip from Saturday Night Live:

I hope Big Bird got plenty of sleep the next was way past his bed time! :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"I AM BIG BIRD" News Article

Please check out this news article!

"I AM BIG BIRD" director Dave LaMattina addresses the film's DVD and Blu-ray release schedule, his thoughts on Being Elmo, why Frank Oz turned down being Big Bird, how Oscar got his voice from a New York cabby, and how Big Bird was once set to board the Challenger.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Thank you to all who contributed to the "I AM BIG BIRD" Kickstarter campaign! Because of fans like you, this film will be a reality.

A total of $124,115 was raised by 1,976 backers!

From the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you enough! I cannot wait to see this film!

Jeni, Josh and Big Bird in 2011


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Less than two days left -- you still have time to help!

Hi all!

This is a friendly reminder that you have less than two days to contribute to the I AM BIG BIRD Kickstarter campaign. The more funds they raise, the more clips they can clear the rights more to include in the film!

Also, please check out this interview on The Muppet Mindset, where I talk about what it's like to operate and to be a personal friend of Caroll's.

My husband Josh, Caroll and I in 2010
Caroll is super-awesome and I am super-excited about this film! Thank you to all who contributed and those who plan on helping out!


Monday, August 6, 2012

Only nine days can make "I AM BIG BIRD" happen!

First, I would like to send out my appreciation, as a Kickstarter Ambassador for I AM BIG BIRD, to everybody who has pledged and spread the word about this wonderful project.

Second, I would like to ask you devoted Muppet fans to spread the word about this film to people who are fans of Big Bird and Oscar, and are unaware of the man behind these treasured characters.

If they can spare some dough, great! Please tell them that the $25 mark is essentially the same as pre-ordering the film; however any amount is greatly appreciated. If not, it is OK, too. Posting about this delightful project to your Twitters, Facebooks, blogs, and forums and Web sites is highly appreciated! Word of mouth is also a highly effective tool -- please tell a friend or two!

Please visit: for more info and and click on the huge banner in the center of the page if you want to pledge.

Last, but certainly not least, please enjoy these videos and interviews!

Monday, July 23, 2012

All kinds of Caroll Spinney Goodness!


In case you have not heard about it by now, Copper Pot Pictures is working on I AM BIG BIRD, the Caroll Spinney documentary and YOU can help make it become a reality!

In return for your pledge, you can score neat-o gifts ranging from access to the production log, to a dinner with the man behind the Bird and the Grouch himself!

Check it out here:

Other incentives include original Caroll Spinney art, a signed copy of the film poster and an opportunity to chat with Caroll!

Here's a hint: The $25 mark is essentially the same as pre-ordering the film!

Copper Pot Pictures has been posting some lovely (in the Jim Henson sense) pictures from Caroll's archive on their Twitter page -- this is a must-see!

And last (but not least), please tune into The MuppetCast to listen to my story about how I met and got to know Caroll! This episode is chock-full of Muppety goodness! All episodes are free and can be listened to online and through iTunes!

That's all for now!



P.S. Please check out CopperPot Pictures' YouTube page for more Caroll goodness!