Monday, July 23, 2012

All kinds of Caroll Spinney Goodness!


In case you have not heard about it by now, Copper Pot Pictures is working on I AM BIG BIRD, the Caroll Spinney documentary and YOU can help make it become a reality!

In return for your pledge, you can score neat-o gifts ranging from access to the production log, to a dinner with the man behind the Bird and the Grouch himself!

Check it out here:

Other incentives include original Caroll Spinney art, a signed copy of the film poster and an opportunity to chat with Caroll!

Here's a hint: The $25 mark is essentially the same as pre-ordering the film!

Copper Pot Pictures has been posting some lovely (in the Jim Henson sense) pictures from Caroll's archive on their Twitter page -- this is a must-see!

And last (but not least), please tune into The MuppetCast to listen to my story about how I met and got to know Caroll! This episode is chock-full of Muppety goodness! All episodes are free and can be listened to online and through iTunes!

That's all for now!



P.S. Please check out CopperPot Pictures' YouTube page for more Caroll goodness!